Exclusive Opportunity!

More than 60 Expert Sessions you can do TODAY to Decrease Your Stress and Anxiety and Increase your Calm, Confidence and Clarity!


Get insider access to these private sessions and experience what it's like to work with a master practitioner one on one as

Theresa Lear Levine delivers positive transformation for your greatest challenges!

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Special Opportunity!

Get Access to over $10,000 worth of Theresa's Powerful Private Session Therapy for FREE!


This is Your Opportunity to Energetically Heal and Release Trauma, Self Sabotage, Money Blocks, Anxiety and Stress

and experience what it's like to work with a Master Practitioner one on one!

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Naketa R. Thigpen, CEO and LCSW

#1 Balance & Relationship Advisor in the World

This is gonna sound so bizarre but I feel like you literally corrected my worrisome feelings about the change I'm going through and, after just those few minutes, I have no negative energy around it at all. I felt it all shift while we were doing the session!


Decreased Stress and anxious energy

Decreased Stress & Anxious Energy

Seriously....grab this book and press play on the first video and, less than 15 minutes from NOW, you could be on your way to feeling better already!

We'll explore Physical and Emotional aspects and learn how to quickly and easily reduce your stress hormones and regulate your nervous system so that you feel more relaxed, safe and at peace regarding the very things that normally create pain, stress and anxiety in your life!

Master Level Coaching You can Apply to Your Personal Issues!

Master Level Coaching You can Apply to Your Personal Issues!

There are more than 50 Private Sessions included in this eBook and Theresa walks you through everything and helps you with suggestions on how to personalize the topics on the included videos!

This is the closest thing you can get to working one on one with Theresa without hiring her yourself!

Increased Calm, Confidence & Clarity

Increased Calm, Confidence & Clarity

If work-life balance, happiness and harmony have felt unattainable, get ready for a big shift!

These private sessions provide everything necessary to efficiently and effectively get unstuck, regain alignment and become empowered in ways you've never experienced before!

Expert Tips to Get the Most out of the Coaching Provided

Expert Tips to Get the Most out of the Coaching Provided

There are hidden gems, techniques and tips in every private session. You can't help but learn something valuable that can be applied to improve your life and shift negative thoughts and obstacles out of your way in EVERY private session! Get ready to amplify your results and reach your goals even faster with things you can only learn from a seasoned master practitioner with tons of experience!

This Valuable eBook Delivers-


Decreased Stress & Anxious Energy

Seriously....grab this book and press play on the first video and, less than 15 minutes from NOW, you could be on your way to feeling better already!

We'll explore Physical and Emotional aspects and learn how to quickly and easily reduce your stress hormones and regulate your nervous system so that you feel more relaxed, safe and at peace regarding the very things that normally create pain, stress and anxiety in your life!


Master Level Coaching You can Apply to Your Personal Issues!

There are more than 20 Private Sessions included in this eBook and Theresa walks you through everything and helps you with suggestions on how to personalize the topics on the included videos!

This is the closest thing you can get to working one on one with Theresa without hiring her yourself!


Increased Calm, Confidence & Clarity

If work-life balance, happiness and harmony have felt unattainable, get ready for a big shift!

These private sessions provide everything necessary to efficiently and effectively get unstuck, regain alignment and become empowered in ways you've never experienced before!


Expert Tips to Get the Most out of the Coaching Provided

There are hidden gems, techniques and tips in every private session. You can't help but learn something valuable that can be applied to improve your life and shift negative thoughts and obstacles out of your way in EVERY private session! Get ready to amplify your results and reach your goals even faster with things you can only learn from a seasoned master practitioner with tons of experience!

Check out these Awesome Results!

PLEASE NOTE: To better understand these videos, which are all from AFTER the private session we did together, you'll hear us reference a "number" because we used a scale of 0-10 before doing the work to assess the negative feelings we were working on and then revisited the scale at the end of the session

....Essentially, 10 is most pain and 0 is pain-free.

Vanessa Murphy shares results after working on


Christine Blosdale shares results after working on


Valerie Moses shares after working on


Lindsey Lockett shares her experience after working on


Rita Savoia shares after working on


Lori Oberbroeckling shares after working on


Hi, I'm Theresa Lear Levine and I am a married mom of four boys, An EFT Master Practitioner, a law of attraction coach, energy strategist, founder of Becoming More Me, LLC and Host of the Becoming More Me podcast.

I specialize in helping Ambitious Woman and Leaders with ADHD, High Functioning Anxiety and Trauma to Heal and Regulate their Nervous Systems so they can achieve Greater Work-Life Balance as well as Joy, Inner Peace, and Success that feels in alignment with their values and priorities.

But, it wasn't terribly long ago that my business and family life were terribly out of alignment.... Before I started regulating my own nervous system and elevating my consciousness, I consistently felt stressed, anxious, exhausted (mentally and physically) and void of my inner peace.

On top of that, I was prone to self judgement, a noisy inner critic and generally just being really being hard on myself.

I would take on too much, be a slave to my to do list, and not allow myself to slow down, pause or relax. I was moving at the speed of my ego instead of the speed of my heart and it felt awful!

Despite all the unhealthy tendencies and undercurrents, I still managed a lot of success BUT.... the outcomes kept failing to provide fulfillment and joy because they were so unaligned with my values and highest version of myself.

I wanted calm, confident clarity and instead I was living in confusion, constant cortisol spikes (aka STRESS!) and chaos.

And it became a cycle where I would continue to create MORE of the same things I didn't’ want because....

What you focus on you create, and the things you do become habits and, before long, event though you know everything is off kilter, your nervous system begins feeling safer in the upheaval and exhaustion (because it's so darn familiar!) than it does in the peace and alignment that you tell yourself you want but never seem to be able to achieve. It's an emotional carousel that many are riding round and round on and few learn to break free from...

....and I was definitely going round and round.

I had ZERO understanding of the value or meaning of Emotional Freedom or Why I Needed it in my Life so Badly. I want to save you from that because knowledge is really powerful and transformative in this area!

If you can relate to any of this or you struggle with past trauma, focus, confidence, fears, limiting beliefs or simply living fully in the present moment, this eBook is going to be such a game changer for you!

You Don't have to Feel like that anymore! Seriously!

You are capable of insane amounts of change, trancendence, transformation and consciousness that can make the current version of your life a mere memory in record time!

Remember, I used to be totally STUCK in my day to day life. I always felt stressed, distracted and anxious. I didn't sleep well, I was exhausted from my runaway thoughts and the way things ruminated in my head. I also suffered from lingering physical pains from car accidents and fibromyalgia and daily discomforts didn't seem like they would ever budge.

NONE OF THOSE THINGS are obstacles for me anymore!

My own personal experiences and pains guided me to solutions that helped me get free. To date, I have helped thousands of women to attain the kind of emotional freedom and release that once seemed impossible to me....and impossible to them!

It gave me a proven way to stop buying into lies and negative beliefs about myself, gain clarity, calm down or get ahead in the things I set out to do.

What a much needed and prayed for breath of fresh air!

I am often asked what it's like to work with me....this eBook will show you a lot of examples of my work in action as I help several dozen amazing women (and some brave men, too!) to work through the issues of the day!

DIG IN and start pressing play on these Private Sessions and their accompanying interviews.

Without this, the chaos, stress, anxiety and feelings of being out of alignment with your best self and best life continue....

But, when you do the work inside of this book and being implementing the strategies, you'll have the keys to creating the peace, clarity and positive energy you so desire in your life and, I'll tell you a secret....

The Better it Gets, the Better it Gets to Be! It's time to experience your full power and really enjoy the success and abundant life you're here to create!

Are you excited yet!? Let's get discovering!

xx Theresa Lear Levine

Check out these Awesome Results!

PLEASE NOTE: To better understand these videos, which are all from AFTER the private session we did together, you'll hear us reference a "number" because we used a scale of 0-10 before doing the work to assess the negative feelings we were working on and then revisited the scale at the end of the session

....Essentially, 10 is most pain and 0 is pain-free.

Jayde Barber shares results after working on


Julia Martin shares results after working on


Donae Cannon shares after working on


Danielle Aime shares her experience after working on


Melissa Chureau shares after working on


Stephanie Lawrence shares after working on


What ACTUAL CLIENTS Have To Say About Theresa

You saw me when I was at my worst and our sessions really helped me breakthrough, move forward with hope and move out of the “feeling stuck” phase and into “ok, let’s figure out what’s going on here” phase of things and I’m very, very grateful for that. I’m feeling so much better and continuing to push forward to more vibrant health. I appreciate everything you do!"

-- Whitney R.

It's peaceful. I feel peaceful right now like I can handle this!

-- Danielle

I have to tell you that just from that one single EFT demonstration with me I felt an instant change. Hard to say exactly what it was BUT I went shopping that day for the household and it was like I was guided to make good choices and to stay away from those things not instinctively good for me or my body!!

How’d you do that?!!! LOL

-- Christine B.

Now's your chance to experience what it's like to step into your power and really enjoy feeling good as you create an abundantly successful, joyful and aligned life!

You truly can have calm, clarity and confidence as release your pain and manifest your big goals and Theresa will show you how!

These private sessions will deliver amazing transformation in record time! Don't miss this opportunity to sample the work that Theresa's clients rave about!

It's time to Dig into the Private Sessions and Feel Better Today!

Check out these Awesome Results!

PLEASE NOTE: To better understand these videos, which are all from AFTER the private session we did together, you'll hear us reference a "number" because we used a scale of 0-10 before doing the work to assess the negative feelings we were working on and then revisited the scale at the end of the session

....Essentially, 10 is most pain and 0 is pain-free.

Jyotsna Ramachandran shares her experience after working on


Teresa Reiniger shares her experience after working on

Wendy Robbins shares her experience after working on

Kara Donofrio shares her experience after working on

Patrick Martin shares his experience after working on

Naketa Ren Thigpen shares her experience after working on

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